Clean Eating changed my life. Literally.

For years I tried all sorts of 'diets'. From Weight Watchers to the Dukan diet, I had a go at them all. I lots pounds here and there, gained them back, but overall never really felt healthy. Everyday was packed with yawning and a lack of energy. I craved sugar and sweet treats and given half the chance would have a nap everyday at 3pm if my full time job allowed it.

The diets I tried ruled me and in order to be 'good' I had to obey their rules with vigor. It didn't last of course because it was always a temporary quick fix. A quick fix to look slimmer by Christmas or slimmer for a wedding or upcoming holidays. Never long term.

Not only did I want to eat and look better, I wanted to feel better. I wanted to be my best self. I wanted to make my health my number one priority and threw myself into researching an alternative. An alternative, more healthier, cost effective and simple way of eating. I quickly discovered clean eating and soaked up as much information as possible. Searching for people to inspire me, I followed every Twitter, Instagram and blog account I could find. Learning from others I found new foods to try, recipes to test and scrummy meals to devour.

Within 6 weeks I notice a change. My skin glowed and spots disappeared, my energy levels increased and my mood lifted. Family and friends noticed a difference and questions about clean eating started to pour in. I responded, but soon felt an urge to put into writing in the form of this blog, every ounce of info I found. A one stop shop if you will for all things clean eating with links to influential and inspirational bloggers, researchers and creators in the fields of healthy living and with a few personal hints, tips and tricks thrown in.

Clean Nosh, Grub and Chow documents my own personal journey to clean eating. I'm not a qualified nutritionist or health coach, however I do have a Degree in 'eating crap makes you feel crap', followed by a Masters in 'common sense' (Disclaimer, neither qualifications actually exist but you already knew that.) and combined it resulted in a PhD in 'wanting to change for the better'.

So folks, enjoy. I hope it assists you in living a cleaner life!

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