Clean Breakfasts :: Berry Oat Smoothie Bowl

There is truth in the sentence that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. After hours of deep slumber, tucked away under a 13.5 tog duvet, your body is craving some energy, some fuel and a little something something to get it going. 

If like me, you average about 8 hours sleep a night, you'll always wake up with a rumbling belly and if you describe yourself as 'not being a morning person' then you may find it somewhat difficult to pull yourself out of your pit. However, taking the time to rise a little earlier and prepare something nutritious assists me in having a better day. With something delicious inside me, fueling my cells, I feel a little pep in my step and a tad more motivated to take on any challenges thrown my way.

This week, I'm dedicating my first five posts on Clean Nosh, Grub and Chow to starting the day right. Sharing with you some of my favourite clean and easy breakfast meals, created from scratch. Meals that provide key vitamins and minerals and in the long term contribute to glowing skin. If eating clean is a lifestyle you're considering, it may be a little daunting to radically clear out the cupboards , overhaul your cooking regime and start from scratch. An alternative is to change slowly, meal by meal, and what better way to start than with my favourite meal of the day......brekkie!

Nothing gets me more excited than making my own smoothies. A few months ago my trusty blender broke down and until payday rolled around, I almost felt like a limb was missing such was my desire to whip up a cooling smoothie. Fast forward to payday and there's a new blender on the go at the Clean Nosh towers and she's every bit as loved as the previous one. (Rest in peace Morphy Richards blender, you served us well!)

Contrary to popular smoothie belief, you don't have to gobble one up from a glass. Unless you've been under a clean eating rock you may have never heard of a smoothie bowl. All the delicious goodness of a smoothie straight from the blender and into a bowl. I'm not going to lie, as a creative so and so, half the fun for me is playing symmetry with a whole host of toppings in order to create an eye pleasing smoothie bowl. Some have it down to a fine art. We're a competitive bunch, us smoothie bowl eaters!

To create this clean nosh, you will need the following:

:: 1 Large banana (or two mini bananas)
:: Large scoop of frozen berries
:: Almond Milk
:: Coconut Milk
:: Chia Seeds
:: Desiccated Coconut

For the eye pleasing decoration:

:: Porridge Oats 
:: Frozen Berries
:: Desiccated Coconut


:: Peel your banana(s) and breakdown by hand in little chunks. Pop them into the blender and add a large scoop of frozen berries on top. These can be any type of berry, but my personal fav is to buy a bag of mixed frozen berries in order to pack in as much flavour as possible.

:: Pour on top some coconut milk, followed by almond milk. Alternatively you can use just one of these dairy substitutes, but together they result in a lovely creamy smoothie.

:: Throw in a handful of chia seeds. Described as some of the healthiest foods on the planet, chia seeds can be found in most health food stores and are loaded with nutrients which benefit both your body and brain.

:: Top with some desiccated coconut and blend to your hearts content. If at first you notice there is a little resistance to the blending, turn off the blender and poke at the frozen berries with a fork to help in breaking them up. Pop the top back on and blend once more. In no time, your precious ingredients will become a deep berry smoothie.

:: Grab your bowl of choice and watch that yummy-ness pour into the bowl.

:: Now the science, I mean the fun bit. Decoration! I truly believe that if your food looks pretty, you'll enjoy eating it more and clean eating is no exception. You can slap in as many or a little ingredients as you wish, and in this instance, I've added more berries, coconut and a sprinkle of oats for additional fibre. Now, stand back and admire.

Ta Da! Hey presto! Congrats! You've just made your first smoothie bowl. Now gobble that bad boy up and take on that day of yours!

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